Sturgis Chamber Community Appreciation Picnic

Sturgis Armory 1019 Main Street, Sturgis, SD, United States

Join us at our annual Chamber of Commerce Community Appreciation Picnic in September! Business owners and residents come together to share well-wishes and thanks for another great summer season. Food is donated by several different local businesses and sponsors, and all are welcome to eat for free and enjoy live music.

Sturgis Chambers Annual Agriculture Appreciation Banquet

Sturgis Armory 1019 Main Street, Sturgis, SD, United States

Our agriculture community does a lot for the Sturgis area, so what better way to say 'thank you!' than by providing them a free catered meal and entertainment? Click below to learn more about attending the Sturgis Chamber's Agriculture Appreciation Banquet. This event features a catered dinner, keynote speaker, door prizes, social hour, and more! […]