Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way, Sturgis, SD, United StatesAll ages are welcome to come together to build and explore with bricks at the Sturgis Public Library on Monday, March 3rd from 3-5pm.
All ages are welcome to come together to build and explore with bricks at the Sturgis Public Library on Monday, March 3rd from 3-5pm.
Regular meetings of the City of Sturgis City Council take place on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month (in the event of a Monday holiday, the meeting will take place on Tuesday) open to the public starting at 6:30pm at City Hall, 1040 Harley-Davidson Way (use Sherman Street entrance to the City Council […]
Hurricane Drink Special Soup: Gumbo Lunch/Dinner: Jamalaya
Hurricane Drink Special Soup: Gumbo Lunch/Dinner: Jamalaya
Start your week off right with our delicious, freshly baked caramel rolls, available every Monday at 8:00 am for only $3.50 for members and $4.50 for guests. If you're looking to order 6 or more, please ensure you place your order by the end of the Thursday before. If you're in the mood for something […]
Come to the Sturgis Public Library on Tuesdays at 10 am for Baby & Toddler Storytime for ages 0-3. Rhymes, lapbounce, sensory play, and stories with Miss Cindy.
Join Richard Moeller at the Sturgis Public Library on Tuesday, March 4th at 3:30pm, for science-based discoveries, activities, and more. All ages are welcome.
Come to the Sturgis Public Library on Wednesdays at 11 am for PreK Storytime for ages 3-6. Celebrate literacy with movement, stories, and crafts with Miss Sierra.
The Senior Center in Sturgis continues their tradition of serving soup and pie ($7.50 for members and $8.50 for guests). Lunch begins at 11:30 am through noon. Choice of chicken […]
Armchair Travelers Book club will discuss several authors this spring. Although the pairs write in the same genre, they were chosen to provide a contrast that the readers can discuss […]