PreK Storytime

Come to the Sturgis Public Library on Wednesdays at 11 am for PreK Storytime for ages 3-6. Celebrate literacy with movement, stories, and crafts with Miss Sierra.

History at High Noon

Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way, Sturgis, SD, United States

Our Friday, April 18th, program will be a History of the Sturgis Hospital and Auxiliary. We are rounding up people from both organizations for a panel discussion. Join us at noon that day for some fascinating local history. History at High Noon is a program on the third Friday of the month (October and November, […]

Caramel Rolls, Coffee and Breakfast Burritos Fundraiser

Meade County Senior Citizens Center 919 Harley Davidson Way, Sturgis, United States

Start your week off right with our delicious, freshly baked caramel rolls, available every Monday at 8:00 am for only $3.50 for members and $4.50 for guests. If you're looking to order 6 or more, please ensure you place your order by the end of the Thursday before. If you're in the mood for something […]

City of Sturgis City Council Meeting

Sturgis City Hall 1040 2nd St, Sturgis, SD, United States

Regular meetings of the City of Sturgis City Council take place on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month (in the event of a Monday holiday, the meeting will take place on Tuesday) open to the public starting at 6:30pm at City Hall, 1040 Harley-Davidson Way (use Sherman Street entrance to the City Council […]

Baby & Toddler Storytime

Come to the Sturgis Public Library on Tuesdays at 10 am for Baby & Toddler Storytime for ages 0-3. Rhymes, lapbounce, sensory play, and stories with Miss Cindy.

PreK Storytime

Come to the Sturgis Public Library on Wednesdays at 11 am for PreK Storytime for ages 3-6. Celebrate literacy with movement, stories, and crafts with Miss Sierra.

Neal McCoy

Loud American 1305 Main St, Sturgis, United States

Neal McCoy in concert at the Loud American in Sturgis April 26th with Frank Ray. Tickets on sale now.

Caramel Rolls, Coffee and Breakfast Burritos Fundraiser

Meade County Senior Citizens Center 919 Harley Davidson Way, Sturgis, United States

Start your week off right with our delicious, freshly baked caramel rolls, available every Monday at 8:00 am for only $3.50 for members and $4.50 for guests. If you're looking to order 6 or more, please ensure you place your order by the end of the Thursday before. If you're in the mood for something […]

Baby & Toddler Storytime

Come to the Sturgis Public Library on Tuesdays at 10 am for Baby & Toddler Storytime for ages 0-3. Rhymes, lapbounce, sensory play, and stories with Miss Cindy.